How art can help us find our superpower
Once a wise man said —
The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.
That wise man is none other than Pablo Picasso.
You see, whether a human is an introvert or an extrovert a human is a social being. Like fingerprints, I believe we are all unique and different. This is what I like about complex human personalities. There are so many possibilities and much more to discover out there in the world.
Yeah, Yeah we all know at….but what is the role of ART in it?
Okay so we know that social beings communicate to express themselves, their emotions, feelings, opinions, greetings…and the list goes on. That’s where art comes. It is a way of expressing yourself in a more creative and personalized way.
Well, we have languages, why do I have to learn anything else to express myself?
First of all, we all can learn a language and converse in it, so it doesn't bring out the uniqueness in us. It doesn’t tell you what you are or what you are good at. It's like a superhero movie, hmm let’s just take avengers. So we all know they are superheroes. But their abilities or in other words their superpower is different from each other. This makes them unique and useful in different situation. After all you can’t expect a superhero’s life to be mundane and routine right!? This uniqueness is what makes us choose our personal favorite superhero depending on our personality. FYI, I love Tony Stark sooooo much. I just love how he creates all the cool stuff and at the same a genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist!!!!
SO, now we understood why we need something extra to express who we are right…next let’s think about how can we do that and how art helps us.
Let’s talk about art itself. We all have different views on art. Some think of huge magnificent painting on the wall, some think of ballet, some think of beautiful poem or a song or some think it’s a time waste. One thing is for sure it is not at all a waste of time, but rather an activity that improves your creativity and imagination.
There are different forms of art. Some might like an art form more than others. But at the same time, it’s not a sin to love and appreciate all of them.
Woahh.. that’s huge! So what we choose from these many options gives us an insight into who we are. It can be painting, or music or dance, or even writing a blog, it gives us an image of ourselves and also gives a chance to stand out from the crowd as a unique personality. It also gives a chance for others to understand you better.
Through art, we can express our emotions unapologetically without being judged. For example, even if a painting is expressing a sad event, people still admire it or in fact understand the intensity of it’s emotion better.
Art makes you feel the emotions. Just putting on your headphones and listening to your favorite playlist makes you happy or reading a poem or a book from your favorite author makes you feel comfy and yourself.
The thing is art is not just a creative way to express yourself to others. There is more to that. It helps us to find ourselves. To know our strengths and weakness, our personality, why we are the way we are, is important to have a happy and satisfying life.
In the present world of social media, we are more focused on what others are and their strengths and weaknesses. We are trying to build ourselves from the stuff that makes others happy, forgetting we are all wired differently. We spend a huge chunk of our time on social media forgetting that we have a life live. And eventually, we lose ourselves, our uniqueness.
Art can be used to know who we are. It gives a chance to spend time with ouselves, cutting out all the toxic world around us. It gives us a chance to imagine beyond reality and at the same protecting the innocence of our thoughts. When we sing a song that we like, or even dance to our favorite song, or even paint or sketch our favorite scenary we feel connected to ourselves. It gives us the confidence that we can create something beautiful through hard work, passion, and patience. It gives us the feeling that we are good at something, which in turn motivates us to explore even further.
Not just that, art can be used as healthy distraction if you want to productively procrastinate. It makes our brain happy by giving us time to de-stress. Even Einstein used to play violin in order to relax!!
I observed many great humans always have an art from as their hobby. That’s pretty cooll right!!
So, basically, whether you choose art as a hobby or do it for some other reasons, in any form, it is a fruitful way to spend your time. In this era of technology, we can learn anything from anywhere, create anything in our garage. What we do with it or how wisely we use this depends on us.
That’s all about what I feel about art. I love music and sketching and ocassionally like to dance in a weird way to my fav songs. I am introvert and art helps me to recharge from all the social activity.
So have fun exploring and creating something beautiful and magnificent and at the same developing a skill!!!